Founded in 1898, Burns & McDonnell is a full-service engineering, architecture, construction, environmental and consulting solutions firm.
The company’s multi-disciplined staff of more than 3,000 includes engineers, architects, construction professionals, planners, estimators, economists, technicians and scientists, representing virtually all design disciplines. Burns & McDonnell plans, designs, permits, constructs and manages facilities all over the world with one mission in mind – to make our clients successful.
One of the firm’s earliest ventures was a power generation project, and soon Power and Energy work became the lifeblood of the organization. Since then, we’ve built a strong resume of Energy work and long reference list of clients for whom we’ve outperformed the most demanding expectations, and ensured our clients’ success in reaching their goals. Currently, work in the Energy industry makes up roughly 50 percent of our business and accounts for more than $600 million annually.
Over the last decade Burns & McDonnell has been heavily involved in Boiler MACT compliance for more than a dozen clients performing studies and providing detailed engineering services.
For more information please contact Don Wolf, 314 682-1532 ( or Skip Tucker, 314-682-1507 ( or visit us at