2013 Fluidized Bed Combustion Proceedings

FLUIDIZED BED COMBUSTION XXVI and Stoker Fired Boiler Operations and Performance Conference / May 20-22, 2013


1.   Summary
Carl R. Bozzuto, ALSTOM Power, Inc.
A. Fundamentals of Biomass Application to FBC and Stoker Fired Boilers
Roger B. Lawton, Jansen Combustion and Boiler Technologies, Inc.
B.1. Informal Owner’s Forum (see summary)
Jack Fuller, West Virginia University
Gary Anderson, Ebensburg Power Co.
B.2. Informal Equipment and Service Suppliers’ Only Forum (see summary)
C.1. Presentation of 2012 FBC and Stoker Owners’ Survey Results and Discussion
Jack A. Fuller, West Virginia University
D.1. Overview of Performance Information from CFB, Stoker & PC Solid Fuel Units from EPA Boiler Databases – What the Data Shows Can Be Achieved
Brad Justus, URS
E. Overview of Regulatory Issues and Technologies to Comply
William (Bill) Campbell, III, AECOM Environment
F. A New World for Unit Operation and Performance Panel
Jeff Campbell , Scrubgrass
Robin Mills Ridgway, Purdue University
Carl Bozzuto, ALSTOM Power Inc.
Kerry Flick, Metso Power and Automation
Nicholas Francoviglia,
Bibb Engineers, Architects & Constructors
G. Case Studies in Alternative Fuels Conversions
Moderator: Robin Mills Ridgway, Purdue University

G.1 Selecting Alternative Fuels for Emissions Compliance
Jeff Arroyo, Sega Inc.

G.2 Recast Energy Louisville Operations
Ronnie Burnett, Recast Energy, LLC

H. Biomass Replaces Coal at the Hibbard Power Generation Facility
Samit Pethe, Jansen Combustion and Boiler Technologies, Inc.
Robert Bastianelli, Minnesota Power
I. Control and Optimization of Multi-Fuel Boiler Processes and Update
Barbara Hamilton, Emerson Process Management
J. Emission Control and Combustion Optimization in Wood Stokers and Update
Ed Schindler, CCA
K. Technical Operations & Performance Panel
Moderator: John Malloy, Northern Star Generation
K.1. Cambria Cogen Flow Control Follow up
Stephen (Steve) James, Cambria Cogen
K.2. Parts and Maintenance Concerns
Robert (Bob) Morrow, Detroit Stoker Company
K.3. Restoration and Financial Implications of Dew Tubular Air Heaters
Ron Preston and Jack McKeegan, CMS
K.4. Non-Invasive Tube Inspections
Jeffrey Siegel, Acoustic Eye
L. A Health Risk-Based Evaluation of USGS Coal Ash Data from Five US Power Plants
Lisa Bradley, AECOM Environment
M. Overview of Ash Management/Utilization CCR Management
Robert Jewell, University of Kentucky
N. Material Handling
N.1. Improve Your Boiler Efficiency and Environmental Performance with Your Boiler’s Fuel Handling Delivery System
Cliff Moss, Process Equipment (Process Barron)
O. How to Comply with HCI, Alternatives to Lowering SO2 Emissions as the Surrogate for Compliance
Patrick (Pat) Mongoven, Mississippi Lime
John Knotts, W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
P. What Information Do You Need to Show Compliance
Jenny Rhodes, Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District
Q. CEMS vs Stack Testing
Daniel (Dan) Todd, Air Quality Services LL
R. Plant System Check before Testing
Daniel (Dan) Todd, Air Quality Services LLC
S. Overview of Recast Energy LLC Biomass Conversion Project Recast Energy Louisville Plant inside the Lubrizol Advanced Materials Plant
Ronnie Burnett, Recast Energy LLC