Jansen Combustion and Boiler Technologies, Inc Profile


Since 1976, Jansen Combustion and Boiler Technologies, Inc. (JANSEN) has provided customized, engineered solutions to owner/operators of large industrial boilers..  Our mission is to improve the operating performance (fuel burning capacity and economy, efficiency, and emissions of air pollutants) of existing boilers that burn “difficult” fuels, such as biomass, chemical spent liquors, refuse derived fuel (RDF), municipal solid waste (MSW), mill sludge, and tire-derived-fuel (TDF).

JANSEN has conducted engineering performance evaluations of over 300 boilers, worldwide, and has provided combustion system upgrades (fuel and/or air delivery) and major pressure part modifications (superheaters, water walls, economizers) for more than 100 biomass, RDF, and chemical recovery boilers.

JANSEN has the capability and experience to function as your one-source solution to boiler retrofit projects. With the ability to define, engineer, contract and manage design-construct projects, we offer Engineer-Procure-Construct (EPC) capabilities.  A synopsis of our broad range of services:

  • Full service engineering design for steam, power, and combustion systems
  • Biomass, MSW, RDF, TDF, fossil fuel, and chemical recovery boiler performance evaluations
  • Overfire air (OFA) delivery system upgrades on biomass and other waste fueled boilers
  • Superheater replacement/upgrade design and supply
  • Boiler steam/water side circulation analyses
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling
  • Feasibility studies and cost/benefits analyses
  • Emissions reduction (TRS, NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, PM)
  • Operations support and training
  • Non-condensable gas incineration in existing boilers
  • Boiler MACT and CISWI compliance review and implementation
  • Natural gas conversion evaluation and implementation

For specific project descriptions, references, technical papers, and newsletters, please visit our website: www.jansenboiler.com.

Company contact: Arie Verloop, P.E., Vice President, Technology and Client Relations, 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 275, Kirkland, Washington, 98034. Phone 425.952.2825, e-mail: Arie.Verloop@jansenboiler.com.
